Saturday, August 16, 2014

Love's In Need...

I was a militant teen, mainly because I experienced racism daily in the white suburb my daddy moved us to when I was eight. I was militant in my thinking all through college. Then I embarked on a truly spiritual path at 23 and worked to transform myself and access the spirit essence/divinity within. I became ordained in a couple different spiritual expressions. During this path I shook off militancy for a broader view that divine order takes care of things & that the law of reciprocity eventually catches up with everyone.

However, Since the execution of Troy Davis I've been feeling a new direction to my call. Though the law of reciprocity is real, it works when we all play our part in the grand design. Sometime Justice doesn't come until you call for it. In light of the recent event in #Ferguson I find myself working to balance feelings within that would draw me back to militancy. I am then reminded by the spirit within that love is the strongest force on the planet and will defeat hate in the end. I do believe it to be true but "what about this genocide happening right before my very eyes?! Surely, Something has to be done about it right?!" I ask Spirit.
"Indeed something has to be done, but mind your motivation," Spirit says. It was the change of perspective I needed.

So, I move forward in love, today. Love & value for the lives of Troy Davis, Trayvon Martin, Renisha McBride, Rekia Boyd, Michael Brown and all of the other black and brown babies who are being disposed of by a society that does not see their worth. Love for their mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers who are robbed of their presence. Love for a community that will never know and benefit from the potential of their contribution because their lives were cut short. My love for them and all the black and brown babies and their mothers who deserve to walk the streets in their own country and not worry about making it back home at night, will be my motivation as I move forward in my call for the end of this American genocide!

If Love IS the greatest force on the planet and I believe that it is, then I will use it to make a change.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I am tender, raw, torn open,
Pushed passed my numbness into a deep sense of urgency.
SOMETHING has to be done about this genocide happening in America.

When 3 decades of prison industrial complex incarcerations seemed challenged to end,
They threw off facades and took to old school lynching with new tools.
Now they call it "Standing Ground," and "Appropriate force for resisting arrest."
But the fruit is still so very strange,
Picked and left to spoil in the street
Instead of hanging on the trees.

I am different today, changed.
One too many brown baby's face etched in my mind
Who will never feel his or her mama's embrace again.
How can I be unchanged by it all?
How can I not see in their lost lives
Systemic design meant to eradicate me and mine from the planet?
It's the helplessness that hurts so.

Where does one begin to insist that their life matters?
I mean, shouldn't humans just already know
That all human life is precious?
And if that is not the case,
What is the state of their humanity who thinks otherwise?
I have very few answers now.
All I know in this moment is:

I am tender, raw, torn open,
Pushed passed my numbness into a deep since of urgency.
SOMETHING has to be done about this genocide happening in America.