Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love's Lesson

At the end of 2012 I was forced to face the meaning of love, as it applied to me. That process was not rose colored nor candy coated. However, on the other side of it I did find an answer. Love, for me, began... with me. It started with the understanding that I was lovable, to God if no one else. Then expanded with the embrace of the concept that how and who I love was a choice that only I was entitled to make. Lastly,  there was the grasping of the notion that love is not always saccharine covered, but it's bitter sweet texture though stark on the tongue,just like dark chocolate, is so much better for your health, mental and physical. From that journey of self discovery that pulled me half way through 2013 this poem emerged. I offer it to you, an early Valentine. And I send you all... Love

Promise to my Unborn Daughter

I will never tell you gilded tales of happily ever after.
Love is splendid work,
And happy is a choice.

I will teach you to love your desire
And be independent of necessity;
That Prince Charming is just a fallible man with good manners.
So, don't paint him with rose colored expectation
that will always cause him to fall short in your eyes
and you to be disappointed.

I will teach you that imperfection does not equal defect
And that broken hearts don't equal broken spirits.
I will  tell you that self love is prerequisite for all that is to follow
And show you that it's true by the way I treat myself.

I know I can not spare you the pitfalls and growing pains of life.
Because even if my lessons afford you opportunity to sidestep some,
Others will thrive in their place
to teach some unknown lesson
I couldn't have predicted.

I just want to make the way clear
For you to discover new obstacles to overcome.
So that you can make the way clearer still
For our daughters yet to come.

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