Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"HAPPY" New Year

2012 was not the best year of my life. However the mere fact that I am still here to proclaim that puts me ahead of some. So, I am grateful for the strength of character and fortitude that has allowed me to make it through. I am grateful to the Most Beloved for allowing me to still be here. I am also grateful that though the rest of my life seemed in upheaval as 2012 drew to close, my creative expression, my musical career to is moving ahead steadily. So as I bid the old year adieu and greeting the new year, I want to make a few declarations:

Things I left in 2012: Self Doubt, Defining myself by others standards, Compromising my values for the comfort of others, Discontent.
Things I am embracing in 2013: Self Love, Remaining steadfast to my values as I accept the inevitable change of life, Realizing my full potential, Choosing/Being Happy. 
New Years Day Affirmation: I FULLY intend to be happy in 2013...by ANY means necessary!

Wishing us ALL a very safe, satisfying and productive new year!
Happy New Year All!

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