Saturday, May 8, 2010

Esther-For Such a "Child" as Me

“…And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” ~Esther4:14b

I have learned so much by watching my mother and it has affected the way I am in the world. Her grace and style inspired me to my own stylish endeavors. Her resourcefulness is my guide weekly as I remember the things she taught me when I do my grocery shopping. Her creativity inspired me to be creative in so many ways (especially my crochet). Her love of God is always an example to me as I continue on my own spiritual journey. But if I were forced to pick one thing about my Mommy that I loved the most, it would be her ability to make you feel like you matter regardless of how you may be seen in the world.
Growing up I was never the average bear (LOL). I was always my own person with my own ideas that didn’t always fit with the world around me. I know that’s hard to believe but it’s true. *SMILE* But as different as I may have been from people my own age my mother never allowed me to feel less in her presence. I remember one time when I was in high school, I was complaining about how the kids would make fun of my fashion choices but then would be wearing the exact same things a few months later. My mother said to me “that’s because you’re a trend setter not a trend follower.” I’ve been using that pearl of wisdom ever since. As a child she always treated me like a person, not just her kid. She was always willing to learn from me just as much as she taught me and this made me feel valued. I think that is the greatest gift a mother can ever give to a child.
Of all the women in the world I could have been born to, the Great Divine allowed me to enter this mortal plane through the womb of Esther Mae Kemp Brown. Never has there been a woman who has lived up to her name more than she. In Hebrew the name means “Hidden.” In Persian it means “Star.” And she truly is a hidden star that shines brightly in the galaxy of her family and the people who love her; though others outside that realm may never see it. Like the North Star she is this illumination by which you navigate you life, providing light as you traverse the world’s highways but always pointing you in the direction home. I’m not sure there was anyone as suited as she to be my mother. She was brought to the “kingdom for such a time as this; “ for a child such as me. For this I am so very grateful.

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