Monday, July 30, 2018

Jesus Would Have Baked My Gay Wedding Cake

Love God, Love Yourself. Love your neighbor as yourself. On this premise lives all the laws you are trying to keep and all the prophets' work you are trying to follow. ~Matthew 22:38-40 (Kenyetta Translation).

THIS is the answer Jesus gave when asked about the greatest commandment. So WHY is it that those who claim to follow Jesus seem to put so much focus on every possible way to condemn folks and not these 3 basic tenets. Why are they spending so much time trying to govern their lives and lives of everyone else by an antiquated set of laws(half of which they are misinterpreting anyway) that even their favorite, Apostle Paul said will kill you in the end.

If they REALLY believe that Jesus "paid it all" on the cross, then why do they keep charging folks for a debt that's been cleared? Let people live their lives, and live your life as a Christian in a way that would inspire others to see value in the way you're living. There's no need for these ideas of sequester that say "I can't serve or even associate with you because you're not of the same faith as I am." That is actually the exact opposite of what Jesus modeled for his followers. And when he was preparing to leave them he told them that the way the world should be able to recognize them as his followers was by following his example of love. He kept company with many of the same folks that these so called "Christian" business owners are trying to reject in the name of a savior they clearly don't fully understand themselves. The fact that the Attorney General of this country has created a committee to assist these so called Christians to discriminate against folks is not only constitutionally questionable, it is biblically incorrect.

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding reception. And I'm convinced he'd have baked a cake for mine, no matter who I married. Selah

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