Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Divine, On Purpose

For the last few days at work I've had to repeat myself several times to customers for them to FULLY comprehend what I'm telling them. With each repeated statement I became more firm and assertive in my delivery; With each day more frustrated. But I didn't stop until they got it because I know if I did it would only lead to them calling back with the same question. Then today it hit me like a ton of bricks. This process is similar to the one Source takes when working to get us to that next place in life and to our "expected end" (Jeremiah 29:11).

Our initial promptings from the Divine are gentle nudges guiding us down the path to our destiny. Inevitably we veer off course and have to get slightly less subtle reminders to get back on track. And with each sidestep there are more 'prominent' reminders to redirect, until ultimately we are struck by the cosmic 2x4 in hopes that it will be the catalyst that brings the clarity needed to manifest our divine purpose. The Most Beloved never stops pointing us in the direction of purpose, no matter how many times it appears that we JUST DON'T GET IT. That's because the entire earth knows that it's success lies in the fulfilling of our success. For every person living their purpose, the planet and all of humanity is one step closer to the fulfilling of the intention of the Divine when it was stated "...I'll make them in my image and likeness" (Genesis 1:26).

It is true, we are meant to be like the Divine... Because We ARE ALL Divine. Our recognition of this is what the planet is waiting for.  All of creation is waiting with great expectation on the manifestations of the offspring of the Most High (Rom 8:19). Let's make 2014 a Divine Family Reunion by deciding to walk in purpose this year!

Love and Thanksgiving! Happy New Year!

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