Honestly, they’re lucky it took this long to happen.
How long did they expect to continue to abuse us.
It’s already been way too long.
Truthfully, who cares about these corporate wares they charge us too much for anyway.
They were probably made by the hand of some brown child for far below a living wage,
Or some falsely, wrongly, excessively convicted person because slavery is still legal if you’re a “criminal.”
Seriously, what else can we do at this point.
Talking, reasoning, and appealing to a better nature that most likely doesn’t exist has gotten us nowhere.
So all we have left is unbridled rage.
Surely, the Daughters of Revolution understand this position.
I mean didn’t their ancestors reach the same conclusion and set that British ship ablaze.
Well it’s our turn now to declare liberty or death.
“And before I’ll be a slave I’ll be buried in my grave and go home to my Lord and be free.”